STC Network Systems Weblog

01.09.10 8:49 am
Subject: News Postings & Weblogs
Category: Web Services

Web sites can have news, postings and announcements created by administrators or authorized members. Members or the public can post comments.

These can be used for internal communications, for information releases or to allow running commentary by individuals on the World Wide Web.

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07.02.09 9:27 pm
-STC Administrator
Subject: New E-mail Offerings
Category: Web Services

STC Network Systems (STC) now offers POP, Webmail and Forwarding options for e-mail.

Whether you have a domain or Web site with STC or not, we offer professional e-mail addresses with:

    (A) Post Office Protocol/Simple Mail Transport Protocol (POP3/SMTP)

    (B) Webmail (via any WC3-compliant browser)

    (C) auto-forwarding to your personal, private e-mail address

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